Dolci Colori è su Treedom
Our commitment to the environment continues.
In 2018 we planted 200 trees in three countries that will absorb 120,200 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2), more than double the amount we emit with the use of electricity and natural gas for production.
In 2019 we increased our intervention with a reforestation project in the Veneto region.
The Dolci Company was founded in 1910 and for four generations the difficult work of selecting, producing and processing the natural colourants earths and pigments that are so very important in art and restoration has been handed down
The natural earths are known for their inimitable tonality, characteristics of semi-transparency, resistance over time and the peculiar characteristic of being able to be used in the most diverse means (oils, natural and synthetic resins, lime, etc).
The need to return to the colourist results of the past and the attention to using natural and ecological products has led the Dolci Company to rediscover ancient recipes and to produce venetian plaster, slaked lime, intonachino and tints based on lime, earth and casein. Our tradition is very much appreciated by our Italian and overseas customers and our propensity to export is very strong and continually growing.
The Dolci Company processes pigments, limes, waxes, resins and paints with skill and passion, dedicating more and more time to finding and choosing original materials
The Dolci Company is strongly committed to the environment in both the production of products with low environmental impact and energy efficiency.
Thanks to our collaboration with Treedom that specializes in forestation and similar activities, we have decided to create this forest for abating the CO2 produced by our company concerning the energy consumed in production.
Each forest is named after a granddaughter of the Dolci family, specifically Ilaria, Anny and Alice in the hope that they will develop respectful attention for the environment as our company’s tradition.
In fact, we are convinced that it is not enough to achieve ecological products but an organization of production with lower environmental and energy impact is even more important.
Our company in fact adopts all the precautions for achieving this purpose with: recovery of the water from processing, LED lighting, solar water heating system, low energy use motors, and the use of inverters where possible, obtaining white certificates for some machinery controlled by authorized bodies and the transfer of special waste with contracts with certified companies.
The forest also has the aim of contributing to the local economy with the commercial exploitation of the product once the trees become productive.
Our generations of family history have a strong tie to the mountains and for us it was a school of life and social and sporting commitment.
For this reason too, the incredible devastation of millions of fir trees that occurred in our mountains of the Veneto due to climatic events in the summer of 2018 could not leave us indifferent.
Therefore we decided to give our contribution to restoring the environment to recreate that magical mountainous environment to which we were accustomed and so that the future generations could have the right to admire again.
Thanks to the happy experience with Treedom in planting the three “tropical forests” with which we addressed the issue of CO2 abatement in 2018, we relied once more on their established commitment.
Treedom will look after the planting of 100 forest trees in accordance with the requirements of the public bodies and in collaboration with local partners.
The reforestation will also allow us to increase our share of CO2 absorption.
The new forest will be called Montagna Nostra (Our Mountain) and is dedicated as always to Ilaria, Annachiara and Alice in the hope that, as the fifth generation, they can take up the baton of our commitment.
To follow and see the forestation and commitment to the environment go to:https://www.treedom.net/it/organization/dolci-colori